Designed to suit students of all grades, experience levels, and interests, rest assured that we have a course that's right for you.

This class consists of warm-ups, across the floor movements, and choreography. Students are taught basic dance technique and terminology. Students are expected to learn and perform dance routines. There is a mandatory public performance each semester outside of the school day. Other dance related topics are introduced including health and nutrition, dance analysis, and historical and cultural dance forms. This course fulfills the PE requirement. Course can be taken more than once. NOTE: Freshman may take beginning dance the entire year .

This class is geared toward the intermediate dancer who understands basic dance technique and is ready for more challenging material and an introduction to choreography. Jazz, performance, ballet, modern, and choreography units are covered. Other dance related topics include careers in the dance industry, dance in higher education, health and nutrition for the dancer, historical and cultural dance forms, and dance analysis. There is a mandatory public performance each semester outside of the school day. Course can be taken more than once. Students in Intermediate Dance may receive fine arts or physical education credit towards high school graduation.
This class teaches warm-ups, strengthening, advanced dance techniques, and an in-depth study of the elements of choreography. Students prepare for the annual Charity Show and Orchesis Spring Production, which are presented to the public. Students develop a repertoire of choreographic work including working with professional guest choreographers. Students are exposed to a wide variety of dance genres and develop the skills required to manage and direct a dance company. Other dance related topics included are careers in the dance industry, preparation of resume and career building materials, audition experience, dance in higher education, and dance analysis. There is an extensive amount of outside rehearsal time which students are required to attend. A student in Orchesis may receive fine arts or physical education credit toward high school graduation. In regards to required supplies and outside dance class requirements, scholarships and financial alternatives are available for students with financial constraints. NOTE: Students will earn 10 credits each semester.